Become a member

Membership of Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Assisted Dying is free. By joining you can help give voice to the significant majority of Christians who support end-of-life choices.

By becoming a member you are expressing your agreement to be a signatory at the foot of Group letters going to members of Parliament. Members are given the opportunity to opt out of any such letter. You will also receive our Annual Newsletter plus occasional emails updating you on our VAD campaigns throughout Australia – but we promise not to bombard you with emails. You can also assist the campaign by talking about the need for VAD choice with your Member of Parliament. By becoming a member you are agreeing that any communication you write publicly, including the name of our Group, will be factual and polite.

Considerable support has been expressed by non-Christians and ex-Christians for our campaign. We are very happy to welcome you all as registered supporters of our Group.

There is no cost involved in becoming a member of the Group. However, we do welcome any donation towards our operating expenses. Donations are not tax deductible. Our preferred method for donations is by direct deposit transferred to our Account: Christians Supporting Choice for VE. Bank: Bank SA BSB: 105003 A/C: 119890940 Please identify your direct deposit with your name and advise us of the transfer details at the same time by email to

We take your privacy seriously and you are invited to read our Privacy and Disclaimer page if you have any doubts.

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Join today!

Please fill out the form below:

    I wish to join Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Assisted Dying as a ‘signatory’. I support their campaign to make Voluntary Assisted Dying a legal option for people suffering unbearably from a hopeless or terminal illness.

    Such legislation would include stringent safeguards against abuse.

    Non-Christian but I wish to support the Group

    In addition to my joining your group please:

    Send me more information about Christians for Voluntary Assisted Dying

    Subscribe me to the newsletter (please also check regularly on our site for the latest news)